I understand, you are not doin this shit intentionally just to diss me.
Its not my responsibility to rectify every mistakes that a dumbfuck has made. It is frankly struggling to articulate my thoughts with just a line or two of words. Have you ever met someone that intuitively you can be sure that he/she is a freaking nuisance? I bet it is conceivable that you can feel what im puttin out here. Scatterbrained asses are like a big donkey in my ass, which still making irritating sound, now here you feel how torturing they can be. Apparently stupidity is comprehensible, it aint nobody's fault. What worsen up the thing is that you can't blame on them, no matter how eccentric their behaviors seem to be. I just wanna yell about how i am nauseated by the stupidities that are making me feeling nausea. It ain't the first time i reiterate this feeling, but how many times more are enough to make people understand? If you can just zip up your gap holes, then i wouldn't need to gabbling this shit to myself.