Crusty? shit no just not in talkin mood.

Intitled: Wythe; Manner: Intimidating, sportful, recreational; Attitude: Fatigueless, egomaniac; Chores: Books and sports.; Sociability: Donkey-Ass sucking,nvr bothered & nvr will.;

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Deliberately edited this post for the someone whose birthday is at 321. ill be at JB/SG by then, you better be there too as well so that we can party like hell. LMAO. 


Enthusiastic Game pals are nowhere to be found.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Nearly six years after the American troops crossed the border into Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein. Now the beginning of the end has begun. Withdrawal of all American forces before 2011. To seal the wound, people have to leave a scar.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

zany old eagle-eye.

The Universe is mere a trifle to her as she thinks big, shall her comes to the crux of this matter any sooner? All the fogs are smotherin' her , guiding towards the deep despair. It seems her airs and graces could be the smoking gun that she's wanted to find.  It's the kindest way of my snarky remark on her. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

没错,我写的就是中国字~ ( re-edited)


我不太善于写日记。 那我就写写自己。

我, 爱说英文多过华文, 我爱华人多过洋人。 我不喜欢香烟,当我看到有人抽烟我会生气,我生气时会抽烟。我憎恨人们使用暴力, 我有自修拳击,柔道,泰拳,格斗,我对暴力反感。 我喜欢流汗,流汗让人不喜欢,喜欢让人不喜欢,不喜欢喜欢流汗的人 ,更不喜欢不喜欢流汗的人。 听音乐让我开心, 开心让我想听音乐。 我喜欢我所有的朋友,不是所有的朋友喜欢我,不是所有的朋友喜欢我所有的朋友。 我爱阅读,阅读让我想睡觉,睡觉前我会阅读,阅读会让我想睡觉,想睡觉却又要阅读,要阅读又想睡觉。漂亮的女生作假是恶心的,恶心的女生不作假还是不漂亮的。10个男生里有9个好色,10个不好色的男生里有9个同志。人生在于看紧现在计划未来,不是看着未来过着现在。有钱是一种魅力,有魅力不需要有钱。

好了, 先到此为止。。


Aloha , all my college pals, especially those in AJ10a. You people are great. Im glad that i am in the class with y'all sharing the time of our life here.

So peace out to y'all.
  • Wanyee
  • Zoe 
  • Belinda 
  • Shirley
  • Jon
  • C.Seng Wei-banana
  • Sulin
  • JieHua
  • James
  In the sweetness of friendship; let there be laughter and the sharing of pleasures.  Destiny doesn't exist, it is the magnetic power of friendship that pulls us all over together.


We dream, therefore, we become. What human capable at, is to turn fiction into reality. To search for the elements that lay inside the connection between fantasy and reality. To reach out to our boundaries and enjoy the freedom of life in term of wealth. 

But a problem among most people, we think more than we do. A question needs to be answered by each individual, how much more than is necessary for us to think, forgetting there is thinking time enough in grave. - Realization, W'S'#...